Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hi all,

I just wanted to send a quick note from your President wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (yes I said Merry Christmas to all you politically correct people out there that say Happy Holidays) and a very Happy New Year as well.  I personally can’t wait for the 8 year anniversary party scheduled for January 30th at Nicks place where we will most definetly taste our most expensive bottle ever which will also end up being our 100th taster!!

Congratulations to all members for making it this far, cheers to many more to come.

I look forward to the coming year with guided tastings scheduled and our regular special events of the golf tournament, camping, cook-off, and the annual Halloween bash still in the fold.

Without dedicated members this club would not be what it is today so a huge Thank You to my Eboard for all of their hard work this year and to everyone else who may have played a role in the success of the club this past year.

And on a side note the following people still owe money from the bottle auction which must be submitted to the Treasurer on or before January 1st, 2016. Rico -$45, Tamara -$50, Josh C -$90, Chad -$2, and Ryan B -$112.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Your President,

Adam Buchholtz

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